Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Week 10 EOC: My plans for the future

My plans for the future my first step is to finish school, with my associates in Culinary. My last few quarters of school I plan on being in contact with a Cruise line and working on acquiring a job with them for a year or so to payoff my student loans and gain more work experience. When I have time off from the Cruise line I plan on starting up my food truck which will be called "Clara & Beulah Mae's Southern and Jamaican Cuisine.
I have been working in kitchens just as a line cook way before I started my Culinary journey and I see now that I wouldn't mind working under a company being a Sous Chef if the pay is good well real good but I plan on having my own business whether it's just me and my food truck or being a celebrity private Chef.
 I still have many options but I have narrowed it down to either working on a Cruise line or being a private Chef. One of my instructors told me when I first started AI is that we will change our minds a million times before we graduate I agreed with him to a certain point, I believe if you know exactly what you wanna do what your goals are set a plan and stick to it which I personally would like to do all three, in this order : as soon a i graduate start working on a cruise line for a year to pay off student loans and stack money for my food truck when I come back from being on tour with the cruise have my food truck business and also being a private celebrity chef on the side.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Week 9 EOC: The Apartment

Quid pro quo: From the Latin phrase meaning “this for that,” quid pro quoharassment occurs when one person asks for either expressly or implied sexual favors from another person as a condition of that person’s employment or advancement or to prevent a tangible employment detriment. Such conditions include hirings, firings, raises, scheduling, or promotions. For example, a supervisor promises a raise in return for a sexual favor. It requires the perpetrator to be in a position of power over the victim such as a supervisor.

Example: He was allowing his bosses and superior to use his apartment in order for them to sleep around on their wives and for Baxter to get moved up to different positions where in most cases it would take years.

Hostile environment: This is an atmosphere that is characterized by unwanted sexually demeaning or intimidating behaviors in which a person is treated poorly or feels uncomfortable (Exhibit 21.1). For example, people tell offensive jokes of a sexual nature, display sexually offensive pictures, or otherwise behave in threatening or offensive ways. The conduct may be physical, verbal, or nonverbal in nature.

That went for the secretary and the elevator women and countless other women who were dealing with situations like this as far as the elevator woman getting slapped on the butt as he was coming off. Or told Mr. Baxter if he don't give up his key he will not be recommended for the job. And in the secretary she was the boss girl and eventually ended up just being another one of the boss mistress.

Sexual harassment includes men harassing women, women harassing men, men harassing men, and women harassing women. The best managers want to encourage normal, friendly interactions and other social behaviors that create a welcoming workplace environment. Therefore, it is helpful to understand what is not considered sexual harassment:
  •  Normal, friendly interactions
  •  Nonoffensive joking
  •  Being polite or nice
  •  Socializing and being friendly
  •  Any behavior that would not offend a reasonable person

Sexual Harassment Policies

Most operations have a zero-tolerance policy against sexual harassment that includes several types of statements. Company policies need to adopt a prevention approach that acknowledges mutual respect as the goal for all who work in the environment:
  •  The operation does not tolerate harassment in any form by any person.
  •  All persons are responsible for stopping harassment whenever it occurs.
  •  Harassment should be reported immediately.
They used alot of company resources for private use.  The boss fired his assistant because she told his new mistress that nothing was gonna happen and she would eventually be replaced just like her in return the elevator girl tired to kill herself off of sleeping pills in return the boss fired his assistant because she told that information but gave her a months pay.

Preventing a Hostile Environment

Managers must follow and enforce their company’s policies on sexual harassment. In addition, they must do several other things:
  •  Help employees understand what sexual harassment is, how to avoid it, and how to deal with it. Educate employees and train them to follow company policies and procedures. Ensure that the training teaches people how to say no and communicate their discomfort, so that others can understand when behavior is unwanted or offensive.
  •  Encourage open communication. Help employees feel comfortable bringing issues to a manager’s attention. Listen to what they say and take their concerns seriously.
  •  Set a good example by following company policies and demonstrating appropriate behavior. A manager’s words and actions should consistently convey that harassment is not acceptable, and reflect positive ways to interact with people.
  •  Look for signs of harassment in the operation. Eliminate anything on bulletin boards or elsewhere that might offend people, such as cartoons or pictures of a sexual nature. Observe how people interact, and stop inappropriate behavior.
  •  If harassment is observed, promptly enforce policies in a fair and equitable manner. If this is not done, confusion and resentment will be created, and the operation will be at risk for claims of discrimination. Conversely, when sexual harassment policies are enforced, this confirms that the manager and the establishment are serious about protecting employees’ rights, and most people will behave accordingly.

Week 8 EOC: 9 to 5

Sexual harassment at the job: The Boss referred to his employees as his girls. He also told the new employee that she was damn good looking compared to the coons that's been coming in. he sent his executive to the store to buy a scarf for his wife which was not work related. His assistant, Dora Lee dresses very inappropriate, and office gossip is that's she;s sleeping with the boss. The boss calls Dora Lee and tells her to bring her pretty little face and tells her to turn around for a second with her back to him then, he knocks something down so she can pick it up and he looks down her shirt. The Boss invited Dora Lee to a convention but it wasn't a real convention at all and also the scarf wasn't for his wife it was for Dora Lee whom he confessed his love for even though she and he is both married.

The women at the job put up with all the harassment because they need the job and the money. Also training wasn't properly given it was wither sink or swim.There was a lot of threatening and intimidating at the job.

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

BOC: Week 8 Five Plus Five Soft Skills

What are soft skills & how can I use them through my resume?

A soft skill is "the term describes those personal attributes that indicate a high level of emotional intelligence. Unlike hard skills, which describe a person's technical skill set and ability to perform specific tasks, soft skills are broadly applicable across job titles and industries.

Five of my soft skills that I use on my resume:

- Communication, I have the ability to express myself not just with writing a memo but also expressing myself well and giving a presentation and being able to calmly talk to others as a team.

-Teamwork, I have the ability to work with others as I team I always believe that team work makes the dream work.

- Adaptability, I have the ability to adapt to any situation or circumstance, being in the industry you should be willing to learn and grow with the company.

-Problem solving, In every interview that I have had they always ask name a time where you had to resolve a problem, I am very good with problem solving and helping making sure that the customer is always right and always happy regardless of who is in fault in my industry the customer is always right.

-Strong Work Ethnic, I am able to get the job done and do the job right, having a strong work ethnic meaning always on time can be depended on and can get the job done.

Monday, August 22, 2016

Week 6: EOC

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Week 3 : EOC

Their Statement was :

Workplace Fairness is the most comprehensive resource online for free information about workers’ rights.
Fair treatment of workers is sound public policy and good business practice, and access to information about workers’ rights is an essential ingredient in any fair workplace. Support Workplace Fairness

Three resources:

Your Rights

Advertise on Workplace Fairness
Please select one of the following topics for further information:

Hiring & Classifications

Looking for a new job? Wondering if the questions you were asked at the interview were legal? This section addresses some of the most common issues you may encounter in the hiring process, and how you are classified as a worker may affect your workplace rights.


Are you being treated differently at work? If so, is it because of your race, sex, age, disability, national origin or religion? Wondering what other kinds of discrimination are illegal? Get the facts on workplace discrimination here.

Harassment & Other Workplace Problems

Whether you're being pressured to have sex with your boss, forced to listen to foul language or slurs, or wondering whether the comment you made might get you in trouble, you'll find this information on harassment and other problems you might encounter on the job to be helpful.

Unpaid Wages/Wage & Hour Problems

Not getting paid what your employer owes you? Are you forced to work overtime, but not receiving any extra pay? Get the facts on "wage and hour" laws here.

Benefits & Leaves

For most employees, your job isn't just about the pay, but also what benefits are included. Sick leave, disability leave, family/medical leave--the different kinds of leave you may be allowed to take can be confusing. Get information about health care coverage, pensions, leave eligibility and other benefit-related information here.

Privacy & Workplace Surveillance

Is somebody watching you? It just might be your employer. Find out here what rights to privacy in the workplace you do and do not have.Endorsements


Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Week2 EOC: Sweet Charity What she did right and what she did wrong?

As the book states :Avoiding Discrimination in Job Descriptions Writing a job description takes care. Job descriptions must focus on the required job duties, identify the essential functions of the position, and describe them in clear and neutral language. Essential functions are the key duties an individual must be able to perform with or without reasonable accommodation. For example, the job description for a sauté cook might include several essential functions: • Identifies and prepares selected cuts of meat, poultry, shellfish, fish, or vegetables for sautéing • Sautés items and prepares appropriate sauces • Plates sautéed items with appropriate garnishes • Maintains a well-organized and sanitary workstation. To comply with the spirit and intent of the ADA, managers may be asked to clarify what is involved in specific duties and whether there are alternate ways to accomplish them. These alternate ways are known as reasonable accommodations. Reasonable accommodations include adjustments or modifications to facilities, job duties, equipment, policies, or practices provided by the employer to enable people with disabilities to perform the essential functions of the job. Reasonable accommodations enable a person with a disability to have equal employment opportunities (see Exhibit 16.4). Employers are not required to lower quality, service, or production standards. The accommodation should assist the individual in achieving these standards. Employers are best served when they focus on essential functions and minor duties of the position, and not dictate the method of completing a particular task when more than one acceptable method exists. An employer does not need to accommodate a qualified person with a disability if doing so would cause an undue hardship. Undue hardship is an action causing significant difficulty or expense when considered in light of factors such as an employer’s size, financial resources, and the nature and structure of its operation. The clearer the job description, the easier it will be to address accommodation issues and determine whether accommodation is possible. For example, if a person is not able to hold a knife, that person cannot be a butcher. There is no way to accommodate for the lack of that motor skill. However, if a bus person is not able to carry heavy trays, multiple clearing trips or the use of a cart may be possible.In this movie Sweet Charity you have Taxi dancers wanting to get out of the Taxi business and get a regular job. In the movie one of the dancers go to get a regular 9 to 5 in the movie the things she did wrong, First she walked straight into her interviewer not letting the front desk know that she was here for her interview in the process int interviewer was on a call and she stood there and listened on his conversation, she always should have dressed more of a business attire seeing as that was the job she was applying for she also didn't make eye contact. The interviewer also asked her about alot of skills needed for the position which she had no experience in the field she should have asked him where she could attain those qualifications or get her GED to be able to qualify for the job. In the interview he felt like his co workers had played a joke on him so to save her pride she went along with the joke like they had sent her that was the only good thing she did in the movie. I feel she should have asked more questions told the interviewer where she was coming from and where she was trying to go instead of playing along with the joke she could have got helpful information from this interviewer because she wasn't going to see him again.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Week 1 EOC: My Best and Worst Jobs

The worst job as a chef that I have ever had I would say was Burger King. Its not that I didn't like the job it's just fast food is not a field that a upcoming Chef would want to get into. Fast food is what it is Fast Food and with experience you will be underpaid. I also found out about Fast Food that you will work and work and work and your pay and hours will not add up. Fast food is a real disappoint because, its not healthy so you really can't practice your Culinary skills in a Fast Food work place. Cheesecake Factory is my best job I have had so far because your able to be a line cook which most Chef's want to be, your able to practice your craft. At Cheesecake the line cooks are kind of treated like Gods because, we are the one who makes sure the customer is happy with what they ordered. Like a fine dining you have waiters but the Chefs really have the last say so. I like Cheesecake because i'm able to use my skills as far as knife skills, plating food skills, and even Chef skills. As a line cook at Cheesecake I'm able to work with a small team of other cooks so I'm not just learning my station I'm also able to learn other stations and other foods. By far as a Chef Cheesecake is the best job!

Week 1 EOC: My Voice

Growing up in North Eastern Alabama food has always been a main thing in my family.  Food would bring the family together during sadness and even good times or just to celebrate the company of your loved ones. I remember coming into my grandmothers kitchen and taking in the sweet aromas of the food and seeing her prepare and cook so many dishes. On, that day I fell in love with cooking and being in the kitchen and making good hearty food that make people feel good. When I'm in the kitchen preparing food or just being in the kitchen it brings me lots of joy. I believe when your cooking its like a painter painting a picture your able to add your own style to each dish. I have had many occupations but being able to please the customer or just to see the look on their face when eating good hearty food is so incredible to me. I plan to touch many people around the world with my southern cuisines and my southern style of platting.